Thursday, December 18, 2008

"2day's" the Day!

The day is finally here!
First and foremost, I would just like to say how PROUD I am of our group! It was clear throughout this process who really does carry a humanitarian heart, and I am glad to say I saw that side of nearly everyone in this group!
Today we visited our adopted family, and it was such an awesome experience! It was so great to see the expression on the faces of our family when they saw the amount of food that IPFW raised for her and her five children! It was obvious that she was definitely grateful for our efforts. I can honestly say that was the most rewarding feeling I have ever felt. Great job, guys!

Just a reminder that we're meeting in Gates tonight. Class is at 6:00, just like normal. Be prepared to discuss the different things you've experience through this process, and don't be afraid to speak from the heart!! And, if you're participating in the attire portion of our project, don't forget! I don't want to be the only one! Can't wait to see you guys tonight! Good luck on any last finals/papers/projects that are still looming overhead!!!!!
Katie J

Monday, December 15, 2008

Happy Monday! Four days left of school!!! YAY! 
So, tomorrow is our sit in! I am extremely excited, and I hope that people will donate a little to our family.  I am taking my camera so we'll have some pictures to put in our presentation! 
Don't forget about our attire for that day!  Hope you're all doing well with finals! :) 
Smiles, Smiles, Smiles!!!! 
Katie J

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Getting Close!

Hi Pumpkins, 
So, we're getting close to the due date, and I guess I have to say I'm a bit disappointed.  I was hoping that we would be able to make more of a difference, but no one was really willing to take our help.  Would anyone be able to explain this to me...?  I just don't understand it too well.  I guess this just means that, for me at least, the project won't end with it's due date.  I'm pretty excited to keep rolling with this cause, because I think it is so important!  

Update: Some of us are going to get together tomorrow morning around 9:30 in Ketler to take any donations, and also do some ambush interviews.  I'm excited for the interview part.  I really want to get a feel for people "as they are" so to speak.  Their raw answers, I think might be much more real than their answers in the surveys.  But maybe not, maybe it will be a bust!  That would be just our luck!  

Anyone who wants to come tomorrow morning, you're more than welcome to join! The more the merrier! :) 
I'll see you all this evening for our last class meeting (Tear! How sad is that!??!!) 
Smiles until then, 
Katie J

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Hey everyone, 
Well I just wanted to get my feelings out about some frustrations!  I am just feeling a bit disappointed with how difficult it is to find people to help in this community!  I know there are plenty of people out there who would love our help, but the organizations that represent them are making it pretty tough for us to do that!  Unfortunately, I was only about to get ahold of St. Mary's this past weekend, and they are already booked with volunteers, so we were unable to get a spot in there to work. 
It will be good to get to InAsMuch, and hopefully we will be able to do that coming up here this week.   I know Zach had mentioned maybe Wednesday or Friday morning.  I hope that comes together!  
And the food drive will start on Monday, which will be amazing.  I am so excited for our adopted family!  I was thinking maybe we could interview a few students on campus on Monday or maybe Wednesday.  Getting their immediate responses will be interesting, in addition to the ones we've gotten in our surveys! 
Alright, I've talked myself into a better mindset with this whole thing!  We will just have to do the best we can with what we have!  
Happy Surveying! 
:) Katie J

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Food Bank Needs!

Good Evening Y'all, 
I have a list from Community Harvest!  It is definitely not a full or final list by any means, but it gives the shoppers something to look at!  Feel free to edit it and add things (non-perishables of course)!  Their website has a lot of information on it as well, we could even get together as a group or part of a group and volunteer "officially" - 

- Boxed Cereal
- Macaroni or Pasta
- Spaghetti Sauce
- Noodles 
- Saltine Crackers 
- Flour 
- Canned Fruits of Veggies 
- Hamburger/Tuna Helper
- Instant Mashed Potatoes 
- Sugar 
- Boxed Meals 
- Hearty Soups 
- Canned Meats 
- Toilet Paper 
- Disposable Diapers (all and any sizes)
- Soap
- Deodorant 
- Shampoo/Conditioner 
- Laundry Detergent 

I would recommend bringing a few different boxes (high hopes are always nice!!) and maybe add a the top of your list what it is we're doing.  Project 2Day is helping raise donations for CHFB and this is a list of items that are definitely needed!  Happy Collecting! 

Katie J

Monday, November 24, 2008

Making Progress!

Hi guys!  I'm still figuring this out, so it might be posted somewhere and I just don't know how to find it!  I tried to write earlier that I finally have made some progress with a few companies!

While people haven't been as eager to work this us as I had hoped, I did find out that Meijer on Lima Road, and Scotts on N. Clinton are currently working with the Community Harvest food bank and I want to give them credit for their works.  So I have been calling their corporate offices and finally I heard back from Frank, the corporate rep from Meijer.  We will be interviewing someone at the Lima Rd location on December 1st at 10:00am.  Anyone who can make it is more than welcome! I figured we could just ask what it is they are doing, why they feel it is important, and maybe some other questions.  

Unfortunately, I haven't heard back from Target.  They did not seem too interested in what we proposed (a possible donation, or maybe even matching contributions), but they have my e-mail address, and if I don't hear from them soon... I'm calling back! :) 

I am also in the process of writing a letter to Wal-Mart.  The woman I spoke with, Wendy, said that they usually make donations around the first of the month.  So if I get that letter in soon, they might just be able to help us out! 

I hope you're having a great week and an awesome Thanksgiving!  Just remember our cause when you're pigging out... Keep it in perspective!!!  :) See you all soon!
Katie J

Friday, November 21, 2008


Testing the new post feature...